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The Power Of Surrender: Why Your Dreams Unfold When You Let Go of Control


I once heard a wise person say, “The greatest test in your life; God will literally use that to become your testimony.”

Sometimes when we’re in the midst of a difficult season, it’s hard to see the benefits of what we might be struggling with at the time.

Instead of asking God, “Why is this happening to me?”, try asking a different question, “What can I learn from this?”

Making the jump from the first question to the second requires a deeper understanding that our obstacles serve as gateways to our ultimate purpose and the fulfillment of our dreams.

As human beings we love to control situations. We think we know what is best for ourselves and our lives. We will suffer through anxiety and put unnecessary stress on ourselves because we refuse to relinquish control to the only one who can truly satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts.

If you’re in a situation where you feel hopeless or you can’t seem to get the results that you want, try giving it over to Jesus.

There is power in surrendering your life to Christ. Society will tell you that freedom is doing whatever you want to be happy. Our culture puts feelings on a pedestal.

We’ve made ourselves into our own little gods who are constantly trying to satisfy the cravings and wounds within ourselves by living by our feelings.

The problem with this mindset is that most people chase things that they think will make them happy (relationships, money, power, fame etc..) but then they end up living lives of quiet desperation.

The truth is, true freedom is found in surrendering everything to the one who created us. Our hearts are restless until they rest in God alone.

St. Augustine quote. You have made us for yourself, Ol Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.

During this past Lent, I was having a difficult time trusting in God’s plans for my life.

I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted and I was focusing my energy towards situations that weren’t giving me peace.

Divine Mercy Image of Jesus
Divine Mercy Image of Jesus

I made the decision to give everything over to Christ and just to trust in him. I prayed that God would lead me where he wanted me to go and I would follow. I literally told him that he held the keys to my heart and he knows what’s best for me so I will do whatever he asks of me.

It’s amazing what happens when you truly surrender everything to Christ. You will start to see his hand in everything and you will have an overwhelming sense of peace within your heart.

The toughest part is just getting to that place where you relinquish all control. Once, you get to that place however, you will feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You’ll also be able to enjoy life more fully in the present because you won’t be so fixated on the future and what might happen.

If you want to see God work in your life, I suggest that you let him take control and just sit back and see what happens.

You’ll be amazed at the results and might even look up at the heavens and say, “Ok God, I know you’re good, but now you’re just showing off.”

“Abandonment is the supreme expression of love, this giving of oneself without reserve to the divine will, which is the total gift of our very selves. This heroic attitude formed from inexpressible trust in God’s Love, from perfect self-renunciation and from loving generosity, is the pinnacle of love.”

Venerable Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Magnificat, Holy Week 2019, p. 43)

On this Divine Mercy Sunday, I challenge you to say the words, “Jesus, I Trust In You” and see what happens. You won’t be disappointed.

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Hi there! I’m Maria and the creator of this blog. I’m a Fitness Instructor, Multimedia Producer, and Travel Photographer focused on helping women get in shape physically through fun and effective workouts and spiritually through faith-based reflections.  Let’s get Fit4Paradise together!